Game Cards and Other Stuff
About Us
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This site is mainly dedicated to the selling of Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon cards. I am willing to answer any questions that you might have. So feel free to look around and enjoy my website. | ||||||||||
What is Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon It would take a very long time to describe the whole process of playing the game, so in short they are card games. Each player has a deck that they have created through purchasing cards and "building decks" or they could buy decks that are "pre-made." I prefer decks that are made by myself. They are individual and work better than the ones that you can buy in the stores. Each player takes turns playing their cards. In Magic you try to reduce your opponents life to zero from 20. In Pokemon you try to "faint" all your opponents creatures and/or collect all your prizes. That is the basic overview. If you want more in depth explanation you can buy the game and find out or you can e-mail me. Me You want to know about me? I am flattered. Anyway...I am a college student in the wonderful state of California. I started playing Magic: The Gathering when I was in 7th grade I think. For those of you who know what Magic is I have been collecting since 3rd edition maybe a little before. For those of you who don't know about Magic that would be pretty close to when it began compared to where it is now. And I go as far as some cards in the Uzra Saga. I do not know how long ago that was but I have not collected for a long time. Lets say two years for the sake of giving a time period. As for Pokemon I have not collected after Jungle I think. I am not sure. I was tired of waiting for the new sets to come out and when they did they were the same creatures so I said forget it. That is all about me and my cards. I am looking to sell them and help you out as much as possible. Hopefully I will get through this whole college thing along the way as well. | Our Employees Well lets see....There is me The Creator. That is all for my employee section. Unless of course any of you out there want to help me then I would be glad to recruit any one that would like to volnteer their time to help me. They would of course be able to post what they wanted as well on this site so feel free to e-mail me with any proposals you may have for me. The Viashivan Dragon is in one of my favorite decks. The deck it is in is my most effective one. It is a costly card but later in the game it is a good card to have. | |||||||||